Timelines and Forms

Timeline and Forms for M.M.M.E. Students

Plan of Study Worksheet – M.M.M.E.
Not required to be submitted. Discuss with your advisor during the first year of study.

Plan of Study Form – Masters Degree Plan of Study
Submit to Graduate School within first semester of study
Signatures: Committee

Practicum Report
Submit to Graduate School within seven (7) days of completing report.
Signatures: Committee

Report of Final Exam
Submit to Graduate School as soon as the examination is competed.
Signatures: Committee

Intent to Graduate Survey
Submit to Graduate School
Due mid-semester. See Graduate College Deadlines

Application for Graduation
Submit to Graduate School
Signatures: Advisor

Timeline and Forms for M.M. Students

Plan of Study Worksheets (program-specific)
Choral Conducting
Instrumental Conducting
Instrumental Performance
Piano Performance
Collaborative Piano Performance
Vocal Performance
Music Theory Pedagogy
Submit to the music graduate administrative assistant within the first year of study.
Signatures: Advisor

Plan of Study Form – Masters Degree Plan of Study
Sample Form
Submit to the Graduate School within first year of study
Signatures: Committee of three faculty members; one must be history/theory, and Department Chair or Coordinator

Report of Recital
This form is used for any recital that is not the final recital of the student’s program.
Submit form to the music graduate administrative assistant.
Signatures: advisor

Request to Schedule Comprehensive Examination
Submit to Music Office at least two weeks before the examination
Signatures: Advisor

Report of Comprehensive Examination
Submit to the graduate coordinator as soon as examination is completed (submitted by your advisor)
Signatures: Advisor

Report of Final Recital
Submit to Graduate School right after the recital (submitted by your advisor)
Signatures: Committee

Intent to Graduate Survey
Submit to Graduate School
Due mid-semester. See Graduate College Deadlines

Application for Graduation
Submit to Graduate School
Signatures: Advisor

Details to know:

  • Your committee members need to attend the comprehensive oral exam and the final recital.

Timeline and Forms for D.M.A. Students

Plan of Study Worksheets (Program-Specific)
Choral Conducting
Instrumental Conducting
Instrumental Performance
Piano Performance
Collaborative Piano Performance
Vocal Performance
Submit to the music graduate administrative assistant within the first year of study.
Signatures: Advisor

Plan of Study Form – Doctoral Degree Plan of Study
Sample Form
Submit to Graduate School within first year of study
Signatures: Committee of four faculty members (one must be history/theory AND one faculty member from outside the music area) and Department Chair or Coordinator

Report of Recital
This form is used for any recital that is not the final recital of the student’s program.
Submit form to the music graduate administrative assistant.
Signatures: Advisor

Report of Language Exam
Language requirements are program-specific. Please check with your advisor about your program’s language requirements.
Submit to music graduate administrative assistant as soon as examination is completed
Signatures: Advisor

Report of DMA Choral Conducting International Phonetic Alphabet Exam
Submit to music graduate assistant as soon as examination is completed
Signatures: Advisor

Request to Schedule Comprehensive Examination
Submit to Graduate School at least two weeks before the examination
Signatures: Advisor and Department Chair or Coordinator

Report of Comprehensive Examination for the D.M.A. (after both the written and oral exams are finished)
Submit to Graduate School as soon as examination is completed (submitted by your advisor)
Signatures: Committee

1st draft of document should be given to your committee (see separate document with more details about document timeline)

Intent to Graduate Survey
Submit to Graduate School
Due mid-semester. See Graduate College Deadlines

Notification of Scheduled Final Recital for the D.M.A degree.
Submit to Graduate School at least seven calendar days before the recital
Signatures: Advisor and Department Chair or Coordinator

Report of Final Lecture Recital D.M.A.
Submit to Graduate School right after the recital
Signatures: Committee

Details to know:

  • Your Graduate School Representative is a voting member of your supervisory committee, meaning the GSR must sign the Plan of Study, attend all committee meetings and examinations (including the lecture recital), review the dissertation and vote and sign all examination reports.
  • The comprehensive exam and lecture recital cannot take place in the same semester
  • Students have one year from the final lecture recital to complete the format review process and obtain Graduate School approval.
  • Students must maintain continuous enrollment each fall and spring semester until all degree requirements have been completed, including the Graduate School format review process and approval.