
Voice Performance: Graduate Audition Information and Requirements

General Information

The NDSU Challey School of Music is accepting applications for graduate degrees in voice performance for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Live Auditions: An in-person audition is strongly preferred for all graduate applicants in voice performance. A live audition will be arranged after you have completed the graduate application and successfully passed the pre-screening audition (see Pre-Screening Requirements below). If you are unable to travel to Fargo a live audition, a video audition can be arranged.

Application Deadline: The NDSU Graduate School accepts applications for graduate study on a rolling basis throughout the year. However, to be fully considered for an assistantship in music, please submit your completed graduate application and pre-screening recordings by the December 1, 2024 (priority deadline). Assistantship consideration is possible after this date if awards remain available.

Video Auditions: In-person auditions are strongly preferred to video auditions. However, the voice faculty will review your application based on video recordings if you cannot travel to Fargo for a live audition. In order to qualify for a video audition, you must submit recordings of all your required audition selections as well as complete an interview via Zoom or a similar platform. Both components are required in order to gain admission to the Challey School of Music. Please contact our voice faculty to discuss this alternative application route and to make arrangements. Refer to the audition repertoire requirements in the yellow box below for the MM and DMA programs.

IMPORTANT: We cannot schedule your audition (or review your video audition) until you have successfully completed your application to the NDSU Graduate School. We recommend applying to the Graduate School as soon as possible and notifying Dr. Charlette Moe, Director of Graduate Studies in Music, by email.

QUESTIONS: If you have any questions regarding the audition requirements or audition process, please email our voice faculty at voice.faculty@ad.ndus.edu.

Pre-screening Requirements

All MM and DMA applicants must submit a pre-screening recording to the NDSU Voice Faculty (priority deadline December 1, 2024). Recordings should meet the following requirements:

  • MM Applicants: One art song and one aria (opera or oratorio) showcasing different languages, styles and moods.
  • DMA Applicants: Three contrasting selections. At least one art song and at least one aria from opera or oratorio showcasing different languages, styles, and moods.
  • ALL Applicants: Your pre-screen recordings should be videos that clearly show you performing your selections in a live, un-edited setting. Your body should be visible from the knees up. Your videos should be submitted as YouTube or Vimeo links.

Master of Music in Voice Repertoire Requirements

  1. Prepare four classical vocal selections:
    1. At least 1 aria from an opera or an oratorio, mass, cantata, etc.*** sung in the original language and key.
    2. At least 1 art song in English.
    3. At least 1 art song in French or German.
    4. A fourth selection of your choosing.
  2. All repertoire must be sung from memory.
  3. Your selections must be contrasting in a variety of keys and moods and must represent a variety of major musical eras chosen from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and/or Modern periods.
  4. Your selections must cover English plus at least two languages chosen from French, German, and Italian. Additional languages such as Russian, Czech, Spanish, and Latin are welcome in the audition, but are not required.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Voice Repertoire Requirements

  1. Prepare six classical vocal selections:
    1. At least 1 opera aria in the original key and language.
    2. At least 1 aria from a standard oratorio, mass, cantata, etc.*** in the original key and language.
    3. At least 1 art song in English.
    4. At least 1 art song in French.
    5. At least 1 art song in German.
    6. A sixth selection of your choosing.
  2. All repertoire must be sung from memory.
  3. Your selections must be contrasting in a variety of keys and moods and must represent at least three major musical eras chosen from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and/or Modern periods.
  4. Your selections must demonstrate proficiency in English, French, German, and Italian lyric diction. Additional languages such as Russian, Czech, Spanish, and Latin are welcome in the audition, but are not required.

***Exception: Arias from oratorio, mass, cantata, etc. may be sung in English translation if doing so is considered standard performance practice, for example: arias from Mendelssohn’s Elijah or Haydn’s Creation.

What to Expect at Your Audition

On the day of your in-person audition, you will start with the selection of your choosing, and the voice faculty will select pieces to be heard from the remaining titles on your audition list. A pianist is provided to you, free of charge. You will have an opportunity to rehearse with your pianist prior to your audition. After your sung audition, you will complete a brief interview with the voice faculty.