
NDSU Orchestra Program

Separate courses – 1 credit each. May be repeated for credit.

University Symphony Orchestra (USO)

Full Symphony Orchestra
MUSC 304 0-1 (#24515)
6:30-8:00 p.m. Tuesday
Audition required
. See audition information and required materials below.

The University Symphony Orchestra will rehearse and perform standard classical, traditional, contemporary orchestral and chamber music repertoire. This ensemble will provide members the opportunity to rehearse and perform orchestral literature at a high and challenging level.

String Chamber Ensemble (SCE) – Strings Only

MUSC 316 0-1 (#25324)
6:30-8:00 p.m. Thursday
Audition required.
See audition information below.

The String Chamber Ensemble (Strings Only) will focus on developing technical skills and ensemble playing though string orchestra repertoire. Membership in this ensemble will provide string players the opportunity to rehearse and perform in an ensemble setting which – while still be committed to excellence – will be less arduous and less stressful than in the USO.

All String Students and *Community Members selected to play in the USO through audition are strongly encouraged to participate in both the USO AND the SCE.

*Fargo/Moorhead Community Members who play string instruments are very welcome to participate in either or both orchestral ensembles. Please contact Sigurd Johnson at sigurd.johnson@ndsu.edu for requirements and further information about auditions and our season.