

Under the direction of Dr. Charlette Moe, this soprano/alto chorus of 55-65 members continually programs music which highlights female composers and music written specifically for the woman’s voice. This non-auditioned choir, with campus-wide participation, rehearses on each Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30-4:45 pm. Cantemus frequently collaborates with the The Statesmen of NDSU. For the 2013 Choral Music of the Americas Symposium, they premiered a new choral work by Imant Raminsh. Cantemus hosts an Annual Women’s Choral Festival and their first convention appearance was at the 2014 North Dakota American Choral Director’s Conference. Registration is easy, just visit Campus Connection and register for MUSC 116.

For more information, please contact Charlette Moe:

The choir also has a Facebook group: NDSU Cantemus

Concert Choir

The NDSU Concert Choir has a distinguished tradition of performing eminent choral literature at the highest level of artistry. Directed by Dr. Dwight Jilek, the choir has performed at state, regional and national music conferences–including seven North Central American Choral Directors Association conferences and the association’s national conference in San Antonio, Texas. The choir performs regularly with the Fargo Moorhead Symphony and tours overseas every three years. Most recently, the Concert Choir visited Eastern and Central Europe in 2009, toured Croatia and Italy in 2012, and Iceland and Scotland in 2015. The group received the first place gold medal at the International Choral Competition in Zadar, Croatia, during the 2012 tour.

For more information, please contact Dwight Jilek:

Madrigal Singers

The NDSU Madrigal Singers is a highly selective ensemble that performs vocal chamber music from the Renaissance through the 21st century. In addition to concert performances throughout the year, the annual Madrigal Dinners feature fully costumed productions of Renaissance revelry. Conducted by Dr. Michael Weber, the Madrigal Singers perform for numerous NDSU celebrations, tour each spring with the NDSU Concert Choir and also tour separately throughout the region. The Madrigal Singers also were selected to appear at the North Central American Choral Directors Convention in 2008.

For more information, please contact Michael Weber:

The Statesmen of NDSU

This non-auditioned choir, with campus-wide participation, rehearses each Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30-4:45 pm. For the 2013 Choral Music of the Americas Symposium, The Statesmen of NDSU premiered a new choral work by Jorge Cozatl. They also represented NDSU at the 2009 North Dakota Music Educators Association convention in Bismarck, ND and will be making another appearance at NDMEA in 2015. To participate, visit Campus Connection to register for MUSC 117.

The Statesmen of NDSU is conducted by Dr. Michael Weber, Associate Director of Choral activities.

For more information, please contact Michael Weber:

University Chamber Singers

The University Chamber Singers is an auditioned, mixed choir of 35 freshmen-senior members who represent many different majors and disciplines across the NDSU campus. This ensemble has performed at the 2018 North Dakota American Choral Director’s Conference and performed at the Northern Plains Kodály Chapter Honor Choir festival in 2014. Besides performing at two concerts per semester, UCS participates in the NDSU Madrigal Dinners each December. UCS is conducted by Dr. Charlette Moe and rehearses at 11:00-11:50 am on M-W-F.

For more information or to schedule an audition, please email Charlette Moe:

The choir also has a Facebook group: NDSU University Chamber Singers