Dr. John Miller
Division of Performing Arts
E-Mail: EJ.Miller@ndsu.edu
Office: 115 Reineke Performing Arts Center
Phone: (701) 231-7932
- Ph.D., Northwestern University (music theory)
- M.M., Northwestern University (music theory)
- B.A., Northwestern University
John Miller is the Director of the Division of Performing Arts and Professor of Music Theory. Before coming to North Dakota State University in 1998, his career included faculty and administrative appointments in Music Theory and Music Technology at the University of North Dakota and at Northwestern, DePaul, and Eastern Illinois Universities. He also has experience as a professional guitarist, bassist, and composer/arranger in the commercial music industry in Chicago.
Dr. Miller is active in music’s accrediting organization, the National Association of Schools of Music—as Region 3 chair, visiting accreditation team chair, and twice-elected member of the Commission on Accreditation. He has given invited presentations at many NASM national conferences. Dr. Miller is also active in the College Music Society, where he was a member of the Task Force on Leadership and Administration and is currently the treasurer of the CMS Fund.
Locally, he has served as President of the Board of Directors of the Fargo Moorhead Symphony Orchestra, and Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Fargo Moorhead Opera. Dr. Miller and his students are the program annotators for the Fargo Moorhead Symphony Orchestra.
His academic specialties include analysis of early music, counterpoint, and pedagogical technology. His published work includes the co-authorship of computer assisted instruction materials for works from W.W. Norton & Co. and McGraw-Hill, MAPLE (a music computer programming language), the music editorship of Miriam Makeba’s The World of African Song and the co-authorship of Folk Guitar, both from Quadrangle Books/the New York Times.