Hardy Koenig

E-Mail: hardy.koenig@ndsu.edu
Office: Askanase Hall Room 107


  • M.F.A University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • B.A. University of Texas at Austin

Hardy Koenig is a faculty member at NDSU with a focus in performance training. He is an AEA equity candidate. He has participated in the Month-Long Intensive Training Institute at Shakespeare & Co. in Lennox, MA.

After completing his graduate degree, Hardy worked as an artistic associate at The Western Stage in Salinas, CA, where he acted, directed and worked front of house for the musical theatre performance lab. Recently, Hardy toured a one-man show, Blessed Assurance, adapted for the stage by playwright Steve Willis, based on a novella by Allan Gurganus. Hardy also recently performed as Rothko in Red by John Logan at Theatre B in Fargo, ND. When he can find the time he directs at Three Bone Theatre during the summer in Charlotte, NC.

Before coming to NDSU, Hardy taught at Averett University in Virginia, High Point University in North Carolina, St. John’s University and Minnesota State University Moorhead in Minnesota. For six years, Hardy was the director of educational theatre services for the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC), where he coordinated all aspects of educational theatre including auditions, festivals and scholarships. He was the lead presenter of SETC’s “Nail That Audition” master class and developed the “Stepping Stones to the Future,” a workshop to guide students in using their theatre training and degree after college.

Hardy is a member of VASTA (Voice and Speech Teachers Association), ATHE (Association for Theatre in Higher Education) and SETC (Southeastern Theatre Conference).