Theatre NDSU Important Information for Fall 2020

We face challenging times throughout the world because of the current Covid-19 pandemic. As always, everyone at the Theatre NDSUand the Division of Performing Arts is concerned with students’aristic growth. Especially in these times, however, we’re concerned with students’ health and safety. Below is the current information that we think is important for you to know, arranged by topic.
Conditions may change, and procedures and policies may change as a result. The State Board of Higher Education may modify calendars or modes of instruction, so check this site often.
The main message is to be safe and strive to be a stronger ensemble in these challenging times!
Basic Overview
What will be the same:
• Our dedication to providing the best theatre education we can, and our dedication to keeping our students and staff safe and healthy
• Our commitment to creating a theatre company that mirrors professional ensembles throughout the country
• The typical class schedule and class offerings
• The typical academic calendar
• Student scholarships and awards
What will or may be different:
• Increased social distancing measures and sanitation procedures, and a specified route of travel around Askanase Hall. For a more thorough outline of Theatre NDSU’s safety guidelines and best practices, please click here.
• Some classes will be smaller
• Some class lengths will be shorter
• Fall auditions and rehearsals held via Zoom.
• Following national theatre treands and safety practices, fall productions will be performed without a live audience. More information about these productions can be found on our website (COMING SOON).
• Voice lessons will be held with Askanase Hall. However, the vocal student and teacher will be distanced in separate rooms. Technology will connect the vocal student to the teacher to allow for the utmost safety.
• All theatre majors have the option (and faculty support) if they choose to participate in theatre events, rehearsals, and classes remotely.
• What sanitation measures will be in place?
• Sanitation stations, located on both floors of the theatre building
• Faculty offices/studio lessons set up with air purification units
• Digital thermometers on both floors and in some faculty studios
• Practice rooms with air purification units
• Practice rooms with a rotation schedule to let the rooms rest between uses
• Instructional spaces wiped down regularly
• Many spaces fogged/sprayed on a regular basis
• Social distancing implemented in all aspects of operations
• Face covering policy
Face coverings are required inside the Reineke Fine Arts Center, except (1) as specified by the instructor for individual lessons, rehearsals, and performances, (2) for the lone occupant of a studio, office, or practice room, (3) for students eating lunch in specified lounge areas with attendant safety guidelines, and (4) for students with a documented accommodation from NDSU Disability Services.• Hand sanitizer and face coverings provided by individuals
• NDSU Facilities oversight for air handling safety measures.Students who are ill or who display any flu symptoms should notify instructors, should seek treatment and testing, and should not enter the facilities.
Who to contact
Faculty Contact Information
Staff Contact Information
Additional NDSU information on fall preparation can be found here.
Stay safe. Stay well. Practice!