Masterclass with Patrick Sheridan

October 09, 2019
Fargo, N.D. -Fargo, N.D. – The Challey School of Music is excited to present a Masterclass with guest artist Patrick Sheridan on Sunday, October 27th at 7:00 PM in Beckwith Recital Hall. The masterclass is free and open to the public.
Patrick Sheridan is one of the most celebrated tuba soloists in the instrument’s history. He has performed more than 3,000 concerts in over 50 countries, in venues ranging from the White House, to NBA half-time shows, to the Hollywood Bowl. With Sam Pilafian, Patrick Sheridan is the co-author of the world’s best selling breathing method for instrumental improvement, The Breathing Gym which was awarded the 2009 EMMY® Award for Instructional/Informational Video Production.