NDSU Challey School of Music presents “Children of Eden” choral event

April 18, 2018
NDSU Challey School of Music presents a choral event featuring the Madrigal Singers, University Chamber Singers, Cantemus and Statesmen together performing the music from “Children of Eden” on Friday, May 4th and Saturday, May 5th, 2018 at 7:30 P.M. Directed by Associate Director of Choral Activities, Mike Weber.
Stephen Schwartz’s two-act musical explores biblical themes of parent-child relationships between the “Father” and Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve and their children Cain and Abel.
The second act further explores the complexity of these relationships through a depiction between Noah and his son Japheth on the Ark. This partially staged show sheds a bittersweet view on the conflict between rebellious children and their parents, and how the parents respond to the children they love so deeply. In the end, the most important message from one of the songs is that “the hardest part of love…..is the letting go.”
Both performances are at Festival Concert Hall located in NDSU’s Reineke Fine Arts Center, 12th Avenue North and Bolley Drive. Tickets are available at https://ndsu.showare.com/ or by calling the NDSU Performing Arts Box Office at 701-231-7969.
Purchase tickets: Adults $20, Seniors $15, Students $10, NDSU Students Free with I.D.