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Woodwind Day

NDSU Woodwind Day 2024

Friday, October 11
NDSU Reineke Fine Arts Center
Free and open to the public
Events for ALL woodwinds
All ages and levels welcome!

Activities include:

  • Group warm-ups
  • Woodwind ensembles (perform with others!)
  • Guest artist masterclasses
  • Guest artist performances
  • NDSU faculty and student performances
  • Raffle and door prizes
  • Exhibits featuring instruments, music, accessories, and more
  • Special topics sessions
  • Jazz Improv Clinic
  • And more!

Guest Artists

Danielle Breisach, flute

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point

Sarah Manasreh-Decker, clarinet

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point

Rebecca Watson, oboe and bassoon

Liberty University

Joe Murphy, saxophone

Mansfield University of Pennsylvania (emeritus)

NDSU Faculty

Laura Kellogg, flute
Matthew Patnode, saxophone
Phillip McKenzie, oboe
Cassie Keogh, clarinet
Martin Van Klompenberg, bassoon


The schedule for Woodwind Day 2024 is forthcoming. Stay tuned!


Register here!