Dr. Sigurd Johnson

Associate Professor
Director of Orchestral Activities and Percussion Studies

E-Mail: sigurd.johnson@ndsu.edu
Office: 218E Music Education Building
Phone: (701) 490-2844


  • D.M.A., University of Memphis
  • M.M., Northwestern University
  • B.A., Concordia College

Dr. Sigurd Johnson is an Associate Professor of Music and Director of Orchestral Activities and Percussion Studies at North Dakota State University. From 2008 to 2021 Johnson was the Director of NDSU Gold Star Marching Band and was responsible for all the university athletic bands. Prior to his appointment at NDSU, he served as Director of Bands and Percussion at Valley City State University in Valley City, ND; Director of Bands and Instrumental Music at Rust College in Holly Springs, MS; and as a percussion arranger and instructor on the staff of the University of Memphis Marching Band.

While living in the mid-south, Dr. Johnson was a member of the percussion section of the Memphis Symphony Orchestra, an active jazz and theater freelance performer and a clinician/adjudicator. He also spent four years teaching and performing in Norway. Currently, Dr. Johnson spends a portion of his summer teaching percussion at the International Music Camp, where he is also an executive member of the IMC board and Past President of the IMC US Corporation.

He has served as the East Region Band Representative for the North Dakota Music Education Association, is a past president of the North Dakota National Band Association; and has served as North Dakota State Chair for the collegiate chapters of the Music Educators National Conference (NAFME). Johnson has also served as Chapter President of the North Dakota Percussive Arts Society.

He is active in the upper Midwest as a percussion, jazz ensemble and marching/concert band clinician and adjudicator, as well as a guest conductor of Festival and Honor bands. Dr. Johnson is a Yamaha Percussion Instruments, Sabian Cymbals, Evans Drumheads and Vic Firth Sticks and Mallets artist as well as a member of the Black Swamp Percussion Instruments Education Team.